9 Habits that shorten your lifespan, do you do them often?

Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia – Having a long life is almost everyone's dream, especially if they have many desires that must be achieved.

Even though age is part of God's secret, not many people realize that one of the factors that influences human longevity is lifestyle or daily activities.

Adopting an unhealthy lifestyle too often can have a negative impact on health in the long term, and can even affect a person's longevity.

Therefore, it is important for every individual to know what habits can trigger a short lifespan. Anything? Here's the summary.

1. Lack or Excess Sleep
Research shows that people who don't get enough hours of sleep have a shorter lifespan or die more quickly.

Adults should get at least seven to eight hours of sleep a night. According to Harvard Medical School's Healthy Sleep, humans should not sleep less than 5 hours and more than 9 hours.

According to experts, lack of sleep can weaken the body's immunity, increasing the risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, obesity and diabetes. Indirectly, this disease will increase your risk of premature death.

Experts recommend that individuals go to bed at the same time every night, and avoid drinking alcohol or using electronic devices three hours before bed.

2. Sitting too long
According to research published in the British Medical Journal, sitting for more than three hours a day can shorten human life by up to two years.

Because sitting can increase the risk of cancer, heart disease, high blood pressure and other diseases that can “shorten” a person's life.

If your job requires you to sit a lot, take time every 30 minutes to stand up and take a light walk, even if it's indoors.

3. Consuming excessive red meat or processed meat
According to Harvard Men's Health Watch, adding one serving of red or processed meat to your daily diet can increase the risk of death by around 13 percent.

To avoid this risk, you can replace red meat with other forms of protein, such as fish. According to experts, consuming fish can reduce the death rate by 7 percent.

Apart from that, poultry, such as chicken and turkey, is also claimed to reduce a person's risk of death by up to 14 percent. Meanwhile, whole grains, such as nuts, increase the chance of having a long life with a reduced risk of premature death by up to 19 percent.

4. Not having breakfast
Research reveals that people who skip breakfast actually experience weight problems. People who skip breakfast usually eat more calories during the day and are at risk of obesity.

According to the American Heart Association, people who eat breakfast are healthier overall because they have better cholesterol levels, better cardiovascular health, and lower blood pressure than people who often skip breakfast.

One small study even found that people who skipped breakfast had a 50 percent higher death rate compared to those who regularly ate breakfast.

5. Unhappy & afraid of death
Stress in any form can actually worsen health, especially the heart. According to Johns Hopkins Medicine, almost all prolonged negative emotions, such as anger, revenge, and sadness will cause several problems in the human body.

When you experience negative emotions, your blood pressure rises, your heart rate spikes, and your body releases the stress hormone cortisol. It should be noted that cortisol can increase the risk of heart disease. Not only that, people who are too worried or afraid of death can actually make someone “closer to death”. There are many things that take human lives, such as terrorist attacks, cancer, natural disasters, viruses, and others.

Being too paranoid about death can make someone continue to feel anxious and ultimately kill them slowly.

6. Do neck stretches
Ringing or stretching the neck may be a habit that many people do to relax. However, if done too often and without knowing the right method it can cause serious problems, including stroke.

According to a case study quoted by Science Alert in 2019, a 28 year old man experienced a pinched neck and then suffered a major stroke. The act of stretching the neck can tear arteries, causing blood clots and strokes.

7. Wasteful and lots of debt
Not being wise in using and managing money can result in financial problems. Apparently, this can trigger cardiovascular disease.

A 2014 study published in BMC Public Health found that older adults who lived paycheck to paycheck without having excess funds for emergencies had a greater risk of developing cardiovascular disease.

People who are more careful with their finances are less likely to suffer from financial stress that can really damage your heart.

8. Doesn't like spicy food
If you always avoid spicy food, you may miss the opportunity to live longer.

According to Harvard Health, people who eat spicy food every day have a 14 percent lower chance of dying than people who eat spicy food only once a week.

Not only does it reduce the risk of death, consuming spicy food can also reduce the risk of several types of disease, such as cancer, ischemic heart disease and respiratory problems.

Apart from the frequency of consuming spicy food, the source and type of spicy food consumed are also determining factors. People who consume fresh chilies have a lower risk of cancer, heart disease and diabetes than people who consume dried chilies.

However, the study is only observational and it is “too early” to determine whether there is a link between spicy foods and lower mortality rates.

9. Doesn't like socializing
Experts reveal that socializing less and tending to isolate themselves more often has an impact that is as dangerous as smoking or drinking alcohol on health. It is claimed that lack of socialization can increase people's tendency to be short-lived by up to 50 percent.

Not only that, lack of sun exposure can also disrupt sleep cycles, increasing the risk of premature death.

[Gambas:Video CNBC]
