Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia – To protect the public from the negative impacts of films, it is not just enough to have a Censorship Certificate policy. Therefore
In 2021, the Film Censorship Institute called for a “National Movement for Independent Censorship Culture”, namely a movement to sort and select shows according to age classification.
The National Movement for Independent Censorship Culture is one of LSF's priority programs which has been implemented in various forms. Among these are outreach to regions, packaging content on digital and conventional channels, as well as public service advertisements.
Survey by AVISI Highlights Public Awareness
The Indonesian Video Streaming Association (AVISI), supported by TSurvey by Telkomsel, collaborated with the Film Censorship Institute (LSF) to carry out a survey with the aim of exploring “Public Perceptions of Independent Censorship Culture.”
This survey involved 1,000 respondents with certain criteria, namely mothers who have children under 17 years old, video streaming fans, smartphone users, living in 11 major national cities, and aged 18-65 years during December 2023.
The survey results revealed that 97.9% of respondents were aware of the age classification for each show and chose shows for their children according to their age classification. Meanwhile, 98% of mothers provide guidance to their children regarding age classifications when watching films.
Then 89% of mothers in Indonesia are aware that the kids mode feature functions well and 92% of mothers feel that kids mode should be available on all video streaming platforms.
Furthermore, this survey shows that only 77% of mothers accompany their children to watch all the time, but 95% of mothers immediately change the show if
there are adult scenes and 99% of mothers reprimand children who don't watch according to their age.
With these findings, LSF has succeeded in calling for the Independent Censorship Culture movement to the Indonesian people, especially parents, because they already have the awareness to practice this in choosing children's shows according to their age classification.
LSF and AVISI Unite to Support the Independent Censorship Culture Movement
Responding to the results of this survey, Rommy Fibri Hardiyanto, as Chair of the Film Censorship Institute, stated that parents play an important role as a place for
optimizing the Independent Censorship Culture movement, especially for children.
“LSF will continue to improve and advance the Independent Censorship Culture movement and support AVISI and the film industry in general to continue to provide education regarding the importance of Independent Censorship Culture. It will be more optimal as a National Movement, if it collaborates massively with ministries, agencies and other institutions. This effort is very important “It is important to improve the quality of viewing for children. LSF hopes that all parents in Indonesia can implement the Independent Censorship Culture so that children in Indonesia watch according to their age classification,” said Rommy.
Ajeng Parameswari as Secretary General of AVISI hopes that parents in Indonesia, who play an important role in children's growth and development, can maintain this Independent Censorship Culture movement. This is intended so that people remain careful in choosing quality and educational shows appropriate to their age. AVISI will continue to support LSF so that this movement can continue to be maintained.
[Gambas:Video CNBC]