Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia – The General Election Commission (KPU) revealed problems with the 2024 Presidential Election data entering from the Sirekap application to the KPU website. As of Monday morning (19/2/2024), there were still 1,223 with problematic data.
This was conveyed by Indonesian KPU Commissioner Betty Epsilon Idroos in a press conference at the Indonesian KPU office, Menteng, Central Jakarta, Monday (19/2/2024). Betty said the data was data as of Monday, 08.52 WIB.
“Of the 800 thousand TPS, there were 1,223 TPS with data errors. After the system read, the data was inconsistent,” said Betty as quoted by second. “For 822 TPS candidate pairs, all candidate pairs are in 108 TPS and some candidate pairs are in 233 TPS.”
Betty said that vote counting data had been entered from 586,646 polling stations. The data input process is still ongoing.
“The total data from TPS 823,236 that has been entered as of today is 71.26 percent, equivalent to 586,646 TPS,” he explained.
Betty emphasized that the KPU could immediately detect any errors in incoming data. The KPU will then make efforts to correct the data anomalies.
“In the table we have stated that from day to day we found some data that was detected by the system as anomalous data, how much in total, how much daily, how much was checked, how much homework we had left,” he said.
“So we openly convey it, and it is continuously improved by the KPU at the district/city level,” he added.
KPPS cannot correct it
Apart from that, the KPU explained that Voting Organizing Group (KPPS) officers could not correct Presidential Election data that was read incorrectly by the Sirekap application. Corrections in Sirekap can only be made by the KPU.
“In terms of voting for the presidential election, the KPPS can only confirm something or not according to the results of the Sirekap reading. The KPPS for the president and vice president cannot make corrections,” said Betty.
Betty said that corrections to the Presidential Election Sirekap data which do not comply with the c.Results form can be done during the calculation stage at the district/city KPU level. This is because the KPU uses Optical Mark Recognation (OMR) technology for the presidential election.
“Corrections for data that do not match, if there is a mismatch when the system can read it, are carried out by the district/city KPU through the Sirekap web mechanism,” he said. “There is a marker when the KPPS states it is not appropriate, it can be read and the district/city KPU will correct it via the Sirekap website,” he continued.
Meanwhile, the Head of the Indonesian KPU Technical Division, Idham Holik, said that for the Legislative Election, the KPU used Optical Character Recognation (OCR) technology. Idham said that with OCR, KPPS can immediately correct if Sirekap reads the data incorrectly.
“For Sirekap Pileg (DPR, DPD, and Provincial DPRD as well as Regency/City DPRD). This reading technology is different from OMR. This technology can enable KPPS at TPS locations after uploading model C form photo documents resulting from editing or correcting inaccuracies or errors. “on the results of reading the data in the photo,” he said.
“If KPPS misses any inaccuracies or errors in the results of reading the data, the Sirekap PPK and KPU operators can correct them,” he added.
[Gambas:Video CNBC]
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